The dodged question about atta




On another occasion the wanderer Vacchagotta went to the Blessed  One and exchanged greetings with him. Then he asked:

“How is it, Master Gotama, does self exist?”

When this was said, the Blessed One was silent.

“How is it, then, Master Gotama, does self not exist?”

And for a second time the Blessed One was silent.

Then the wanderer Vacchagotta got up from his seat and went away.


Not long after he had gone the venerable Ananda asked the Blessed One:

“Lord, how is it that when the Blessed One was questioned he did not answer?”

“If, when I was asked ‘Does self exist?’ I had answered ‘Self exists’, that would have been the belief of those who hold the theory of eternalism. And if, when I was asked ‘Does self not exist?’ I had answered ‘Self does not exist,’ that would have been the belief of those who hold the theory of annihilationism.


Again, if, when asked ‘Does self exist?’ I had answered ‘Self exists,’ would that have been in conformity with my knowledge that all things are not-self? And if, when asked ‘Does self not exist?’ I had answered ‘Self does not exist,’ then confused as he already is, Ananda, the wanderer Vacchagotta would have become still more confused, assuming: ‘Surely then I had a self before and now have none.’”

S. 44:10


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